
Maria Fátima Brasil – Pão e doçaria

In her bakery, Maria de Fátima Brasil produces, among others traditional artisan products, the typical “Espécies” of S. Jorge, which, for their high quality, have earn the seal of guarantee of the collective brand “Artesanato dos Açores”. It is believed that the origin of the “Espécies” dates back to the settlement of the island of S. Jorge and has this designation from the use of spices such as fennel, cinnamon and pepper.

“Espécies” certificated by the brand “Artesanato dos Açores” (Handicraft of the Azores).


Opening Hours: Open every day except Sunday.

Address: São Pedro – Topo, S/N

9875-118 Calheta (Map)

Phone: 295415298

Email: [email protected]

Products: Bread, diverse sweets,  several varieties of cookies, “Espécies”, “rosquilha branca” (white ring-shaped cookies), “esquecidos”, “rosquilhas de aguardente” (ring-shaped cookies with sugar-cane rum), “charutos”, toffees, “massa sovada” (sweet bread),  biscuits, corn bread, homemade bread, “bolo-rei” (Christmas Cake), “bolo de véspera” (eve cake), “coscorões”.