SIDART – Incentive System for the Development of Azorean Handicrafts
Registration for the Incentive System for the Development of Handicraft – SIDART will take place from March 1st to 31st, informs the Regional Secretariat for Youth, Housing and Employment, through the Azores Crafts and Design Center (CADA).
Applications to SIDART must be formalized exclusively online, through the new digital platform of Artesanato dos Açores - https://artesanato.azores.gov.pt.
With an allocation of 200 thousand euros, this incentive system aims to promote the sustainable development of artisanal activity within the regional economy, through a set of measures that aim to reinforce the quality of production and the competitiveness of artisanal companies in the Azores.
Through SIDART, an important instrument of public and continuous support for artisanal activities, investments are financed in projects for training, qualification and innovation of artisanal products, commercialization and promotion, in addition to investments in structures and production equipment of the Artisanal Production Units.
In May 2022, a new regulation came into force for this system of incentive and public support for the development of crafts, which is unique in the country.
The new regulation has expanded the scope of expenses eligible for co-participation, such as accommodation expenses for the purposes of participating in fairs or exhibitions and training, with a maximum support limit of 50 euros per day in the case of a domestic trip and 90 euros per day for travel abroad for these purposes.
Furthermore, the possibility was created for artisans to incur expenses prior to the date of the SIDART request, due to unforeseen and unavoidable events, as long as they are duly substantiated and proven.
Maria João Carreiro, Regional Secretary for Youth, Housing and Employment, responsible for the Azorian Crafts, then justified the improvements in SIDART with the “adaptation of the incentive system to the needs of the artisans” and with the guarantee of even better “conditions so that they can continue their work in the creation and promotion of crafts”.