
Crafts and Design Center of the Azores

The website of the Crafts and Design Center of the Azores (CADA) aims, in its essence, to promote and divulge the certified handicraft products, which is responsible for the implementation of regional policy in the areas of development and appreciation of traditional products, including the regional handicrafts and artisanal companies, professional training and the coordination of multifunctional initiatives with development in the local environment.
CADA develops a consistent and diverse annual plan, acting on four areas that are considered fundamental: Research/Certification, Training, Artisan Support and Promotion. The development of these areas involves the certification of products, editing publications, organizing exhibitions, promoting workshops, workshops and training activities, providing support to the artisans, namely through the incentive system.

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Wheat Straw Embroidery

As if they were gold threads, wheat or rye straw are crafted by the genius of the women of Faial over white or black tulle. The predominant decorative element is the ear of the wheat, although other vegetal elements are part of the exquisite pieces connected to women’s fashion, such as ceremony dresses, veils, kerchiefs […]

White/Raw Embroidery

White and clean, Terceira’s embroidery reveals the influence of the island of Madeira and the English embroidery favoring Richelieu and full stitches. Towels, sheets, pillowcases, bedspreads and doilies are some of the pieces that were part of the brides trousseau of Terceira´s elite and now are the main offer of the Azorean textile market with […]

“Matiz” Embroidery

The typical embroidery of São Miguel is characterized by two shades of blue on linen in “matiz” stitch. Smooth and harmonious, it reflects the rare beauty of the islands. Botanical and countryside themes such as clovers, “gavinas”, brambles, ferns, carnations and intertwined hearts predominate. Since the 30’s of the 20th century, embroidery won the domestic […]


The most admirable lace of the archipelago are made in Pico and Faial. They are of great quality and with recognized artistic and ethnographic value. Its basic elements are the “rosettes”, with various forms and names. It is in the harmony which the rosettes are linked together, with a variety of stitches, strictly numbered, that […]


Vila Franca, in S. Miguel, and Angra do Heroísmo, in Terceira, are the production centers that continue the traditional pottery of the Azores. The “talhão” as an important reservoir of water or cereals in the past and the “talha” or “bilha” (clay jugs) utilized in the transportation of liquids are now much appreciated pieces in […]


A indústria cerâmica da Lagoa, que se afirma ao longo do século XIX e da qual não se podem excluir ligações à indústria cerâmica do Norte de Portugal, deu início à produção de faiança nos Açores com o fabrico em série de peças pintadas com flores e outros motivos […]


The local production of tile assumes some importance only from the second half of the 19th century, when it was founded the first ceramic factories in the islands of S. Miguel and Terceira. These local productions tiles lined the façades of urban buildings and walls of chapels in storied compositions, in cobalt blue tones, or […]

Figurative Ceramic

The sculpture of typical customs produced in the ceramic factories in the city of Lagoa, in the island of São Miguel, was not intended only for tourism promotion of the islands of the Azores, but also linked itself to the Christmas tradition of the “assembling of the Christmas crib”, promoting the development of the current […]


Weaving is one of the first and oldest traditional industries of the archipelago, as well as an effective response to the limitations caused by insularity. The art of loom, in wool and linen or cotton, is thorough, time-consuming and demanding. The beautiful bedspreads, quilts, patchwork carpets, regional attires, blankets, straps or doilies with geometric designs […]

Regional Sweets

“Queijadas” of Vila Franca

Of Secular tradition, “queijadas da Vila”, a sweet originary in the St. Andrew’s Convent, the first in the Azores of the 1st Rule of St. Claire, built in 1533. In the late 18th century, nuns of Dutch and Spanish origin came to the “convento da Vila”, who made the “queijadas” according to a centuries-old recipe. […]

Dona Amelia’s Cakes

It is a dark corn cake, covered with powdered sugar and with an intense aroma of cinnamon and honey cane, typical of the island of Terceira. It got its name during the visit of the kings of Portugal, D. Carlos and D. Amélia to Terceira in 1901. For what is known, it was offered to […]

“Queijadas” of Graciosa

It is a regional sweet from Graciosa, famous throughout the archipelago. Of delicate flavor, star-shaped, the outside dough presents itself as thin and crispy and hosts a filling of eggs and milk. For some years this delicacy was exclusive to the homes of Graciosa, when it was still known as “covilhete de leite”, a must […]

“Espécies” of São Jorge

A regional sweet from the island of São Jorge, is presented as small ring-shaped cookie with host dough, struck across the top, leaving a glimpse of brownish filling. Previously, the “espécies” were named “bichos doces” (sweet animals), in which the filling was made with homemade bread, roasted and ground in “atafonas” (a mill moved by […]

Biscoitos de Orelha

From an historical and geographical point of view, the production of “Biscoitos de Orelha” is confined to Santa Maria, making it a reference product of the “Mariense” cuisine. This biscuit was an usual presence in “Marienses” homes, on festive occasions, such as in the pig slaughter, weddings, festivities of the Holy Spirit and Christmas, occasion […]

Bolos Lêvedos

“Bolos Lêvedos” are small cylindrical cakes, slightly sweetened, with a porous mass and slightly browned crust, baked on the “sertã” (frying pan) or in a metal sheet, sprinkled with flour. It is a traditional specialty of “Furnas Valley”, with a great economic impact associated to the opening of the Hotel Terra Nostra, in 1935, becoming […]


The “Alfenim” is a sweet made with sugar, water and vinegar, of an ancient oriental recipe and with a long history. It reached the Iberian Peninsula by the hands of the Arabs who called it “al-fenid” that means that which is white, pure. The Spaniards took it to Mexico and the Portuguese to Brazil. From […]

Vegetable fibers

Vegetable fibers formed, such as wood, one of the first natural resources within reach of the inhabitants of the Archipelago of the Azores. They were easily obtained from the reed, bamboo cane, bulrush, wicker and dragon tree. The agriculture indirectly provided other plant matter such as corn leaves and wheat straw. Among the varied objects […]

Fish Scales

The diversity of fish in the sea of the Azores, influenced the artistic imagination of the Azorean artisan. The scales are cleaned in several waters and transformed into delicate petals or leaves that, later are shaped with scissors, with great skill, composing flower clusters. The more traditional works are mainly flowers, of the most varied […]

Fig Tree Kernel

From the white matter of the core of fig branches, the artisan with patience and a steady hand, creates beautiful and delicate figurines typical of the Azores. The oldest works of Euclides Rosa, are exposed at the Museum of Horta. Nowadays, the pieces made of the fig tree kernel include floral motifs, mills or sailing […]

“Lapinha” Christmas Cribs

Authentic miniature Christmas cribs, perpetuate the birth of Christ throughout the year. The central theme is the cave that houses the Holy Family, all the other elements of biblical or everyday scenes are organized around it, through small figures of painted pottery, fragments of rock, moss, plants, flowers and tiny sea shells . Within domes […]

“Registos” of Senhor Santo Cristo Dos Milagres

The cult of Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres, of great devotion and attraction, is also the reason for the creation of the “Registo”, a beautiful piece in homage to the patron. It was the monastic work of the Sanctuary nuns, competent in many of the manual arts. Nowadays it´s a piece of interest for many […]


Produzidos segundo as técnicas da cestaria, apresenta-se como um artefacto cheio de simbolismo, evidenciando uma atividade própria, identificadora da sua origem, durante muito tempo confinada ao Pico e generalizada às demais ilhas em meados do século passado, quando começaram a ser exportados para a América. Uma das atividades que caracterizou a freguesia de Santo Amaro [&[…]

Wood Locks

These locks, a traditional production on the smallest island of the archipelago, associated with rural life, some still remaining, especially in agricultural shelters, are an emblematic product of the local handicraft that has maintained its relevance throughout the centuries, becoming inseparable from the history of the Region and the people from Corvo. In the production […]


Wicker Furniture Manufacturing

Casing is another technique applied to wicker and complementary to the basket work. Using similar techniques, using the same materials and tools, are lined glass bottles, chair seats and a series of pieces of furniture, created from a wood or metal structure that is then lined and ornamented with wicker braid.


A arte de trabalhar as fibras vegetais revela um entendimento da terra, do clima, dos ciclos vegetativos, das plantas e suas características. Revela, também, saberes antigos e técnicas transmitidas de geração em geração. Os açorianos sempre procuraram dar resposta aos desafios do seu quotidiano, demonstrando imaginação e engenho na aplicação e transformaçã[…]


Some plant elements that were introduced in the Azores, such as corn, wheat and the dragon tree, gave rise to the production of artifacts of a decorative nature, such as flowers and dolls. To make corn leaf dolls, the leaves are chosen, dried and, when necessary, slatted and sometimes even dyed. There is also a […]


The work with traditional patchwork from the Azores is the technique that unites fabrics with an infinity of patterns, formats, varied colors and diverse stitches for ornamentation, in a more contemporary version the “crazy patchwork”, in the traditional version the “azorean crazy work”, that the combination and random union of different patches were made in […]

Wicker Wrapping

Wicker work was not restricted to the production of baskets. In the 19th century, emerged the making of furniture to suit the romantic fashion of summer villas and winter gardens. Wraping is another technique applied to wicker and complementary to the activity of a basket maker. Using similar techniques, using the same materials and tools, glass […]

Viola da Terra

The Viola da Terra is one of the oldest known popular musical instruments in the Azorean Archipelago and arrived in the 15th century with the first settlers. The isolation of the Azorean islands as a result of geographical discontinuity allowed the Viola da Terra to acquire different characteristics from island to island, such as: The […]

Beret from Corvo

The beret from Corvo, whose origin is lost in time, but the production endures to this day, is done in tricot with a set of 5 needles, originally with local wool dyed in dark blue with a narrow bar (grega) , worked with the traditional natural white. In some cases, in the edge is also […]


  Agriculture provided, indirectly, but in abundance, raw material for a variety of artifacts, some of a functional nature, such as mats. Parallel to basketry, this artisanal production initially played a complementary role to agriculture and adapted itself to domestic needs. Corn leaf, wheat straw, bulrush, reed or even dragon tree leaf doormats represent a […]

Gold embroidey

Gold embroidey is associated with the principal religious festivals of the Azores. The cults of the Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ of Miracles provide the main examples in their ornamental accessories including flags, standards and religious garb. The patrimony of the Convent of Esperança (Hope), which includes the capes of Jesus Christ of Miracles, constitutes the […]

Terço dos Romeiros

The rosaries are executed with natural seed berries, whose plant – Coix lacryma-jobi – resembles a corn stalk. It is a tropical plant, from Brazil, which has the most common designation of “Mary’s Tears” or “Job’s Tears”. In this wild variety, the berries range in color from pearly white to darker tones, oval in shape […]

Other Arts and Crafts Not Certified

The Azores have a wealth of handmade creations both linked to specific economic activities such as the popular art and the imagination. In fact, are many and varied works of interest and quality produced by our artisans. In the midst of a variety of techniques and materials used, it’s elevated the authenticity in which they […]


Calendar of Events 2024

SIDART – Incentive System for the Development of Azorean Handicrafts

The new Incentive Program for the Development of Handicrafts provided in the Regional Legislative Decree No. 34/2012/A, July 25th and regulated by the Regional Regulatory Decree No. 1/2013/A, dated February 27th, provides the granting of not refundable subsidies and aims[...]

Newsletter July 2024

Handicraft Award “CoMTradição 2023” awarded to Maria da Graça Páscoa

The handicraft award “CoMTradição”, established by the Government of the Azores and promoted by the Regional Secretariat for Youth, Professional Qualification and Employment through the Center for Crafts and Design of the Azores (CADA), was awarded this year to artisan[...]